Friday 29 September 2023



Revenues increased from US 71.3 B in 2013 to US 94.9 B in 2022.

PBT increased from  US15.5 B in 2013 to US 21,7 B in 2022.

EPS increased from US 4,81 in 2013 to US 6.73 in 2022.

PBT margin averages 23.77% from 2013 to 2022.

Quality:  Great (Stalwart, Slow grower)

Management:  Excellent

Valuation: -

Those holding this stock has enjoyed gradual increasing dividends for many years.  An example of a dividend growth investing stock.  

Mkt cap
P/E ratio
Div yield
CDP score
52-wk high
52-wk low

At USD 156.88 per share, it is trading at the lower half of its 52-wk high and low price range, giving a DY of 3.03%.  

My projection is this company will continue to grow its annual EPS at just below 5% per year consistently.



Revenues were consistent and growing.
Its earnings were consistent and growing.
Its PBT margins were around 20%, except for the last 3 years due to disruption during the pandemics.
It can be anticipated that its PBT margins should return back to its previous levels.

Thursday 28 September 2023



Revenue declined over the studied period.  The PBT margins were lower in the first half of this period, and higher the latter half of this period.  Though the revenue declined, the PBT remained flat throughout this period, due to the higher PBT margin in the latter half.

Quality:  Good

Management:  Good

Valuation:  -

Growth:  Flat, no growth.



Revenues, PBT and EPS grew consistently, doubling over 9 years from 2014 to 2023.  This gave a growth rate of about 8% per year.

PBT margin peaked in 2021;  declined in 2022 and 2023.

Quality:  Great
Management:  Great
Valuation:  -



Its revenues grew at rate of about 7% to 8 % per year from 2014 to 2022.  Its PBT grew at the rate of slightly above 10% yearly and its adj EPS grew at about 10% yearly for the same period, in tandem with the increasing revenues.  However, PBT margin has been flat during this period.

Its share price has increased slightly during this period and due to its EPS rising faster than its share price, its PE has contracted from PE of 8 in 2019 to PE of between 5 to 6 today.



Its revenues grew consistently and at a rate of between 5% to 10% yearly..  However, profit before tax declined since 2016 due to shrinking profit before tax margin.  The profit before tax margin declined from a high of 37.6% in 2016 to 22.5% in 2022.   This is due to liberalization of the insurance sector and the increasing competition in the market place.

Its share price has declined at the same pace as the decline in its profit before tax and its EPS, resulting in a flattish PER. 




Growth in revenues and PBT was very fast in its early years.  Growth in revenue has slowed,  though PBT in 2022 was higher due to better profit margin.  Its earnings dropped in 2020 and has since recovered, exceeding its previous high earnings.

The share price of MYEG has been essentially flat since 2021.  With its better earnings, the company is now on offer at better value than before.



This company benefitted during the pandemic lockdown.  Its revenues zoomed upwards in 2020 to 2021 and are still growing, but at a slower rate.  Its profit margins expanded hugely from 2020 to 2022.  The profit margins has since dropped (normalise) to its pre-pandemic level.  

Not a stock for the long term.  Very competitive business.  Economic moat is small, perhaps, non-existent.  Many new players are offering similar services.

Wednesday 27 September 2023