Saturday 11 October 2008

The Worst of Time and the Best of Time

It has been such a volatile week. The market has sunk so much in 1 week. It certainly is alarming for those who are holding stocks. For many this may be the worst of time. What should they do with their stocks?

On the other hand, this may be the best of time for some investors. It maybe the better time to pick up bargains in those good stocks one is eyeing for so long.

Some are waiting for the capitulation to pick up stocks. Above all, do not be the one who capitulates.

Who can predict the bottom? I can't. It is just a gut feeling that the bottom maybe near. Also the dogmatic conviction that the market is still the place to park some of my investment, however fearful it may seem at present. This soon will pass too.

Stock Sale Considerations (Part 2 of 5)

The Bad News that creates a Buying Situation - Stock Market Corrections and Panics

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