Tuesday 25 November 2008

Educational experience with an outcome other than expected

During bull markets owning stocks and calls on underpriced stocks should increase the value of the portfolio.

Bear markets should benefit positions in your portfolio that are either short overpriced companies or own puts on the overpriced stock.

Income may be generated by selling covered calls or credit spreads during a neutral market.

Please note that I have made extensive use of the words "should" and "may". Please do not invest any money that you can not afford to lose. Everyone has a different tolerance for risk. It is important that you do your own homework and take responsibility for any decisions that you make.

When investing, it doesn't take very long to have an educational experience with an outcome other than expected.


In Warren Buffet's 1992 letter to the share holders he discussed the following:

  • During 1992, their Book Value had increased by 20.3%
  • Between 1964 and 1992 book value per share (BVPS) had increased from $19 to $7745 resulting in a CAGR of 23.6%.
  • Used book value for intrinsic value.
  • CAGR goal 15%
  • The number of outstanding shares has changed very little between 1964 and 1992 (1,137,778 vs. 1,152,547 respectively)
  • Requiring a significant Margin of Safety (MOS) when purchasing stock in another company as a cornerstone of Berkshire Hathaway's success

My mom bought her first new car back in 1965. It was a Ford Falcon. She really liked the car. I wonder how much higher her networth would be if she would have bought a used car and invested the difference in Berkshire Hathaway. ;) Of course BH is the exception and not the norm. :))


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