Friday 12 December 2008

Recent tulmultuous events provided great opportunity

How to keep your head when people all around you are losing theirs...

Morningstar FundInvestor:
Your roadmap to the best funds to buy, sell, and watch.

Dear Investor,

It's no secret that this is a frightening market. Watching the devastating effects of the financial meltdown and widespread panic scare me, too. But I also think the tumultuous events have provided savvy investors with a great opportunity.

As unnerving as recent events have been, history has shown us that the economy will bounce back, and that means the market will too. Ten years from now, 20 years from now, people will look back at this time and wish that they had invested more. See how Morningstar FundInvestor can provide you ways to add breadth to your portfolio. Review the current issue for one month at no charge. If you like what you read, continue your subscription and benefit from 11 more months of hard-hitting analysis and research. If not, cancel before the 30 days is up and your credit card will not be charged.

The Morningstar Difference

You may be asking why should you choose FundInvestor instead of another mutual fund newsletter. The answer is depth, experience, and unbiased recommendations. FundInvestor boasts the support of a large research analyst staff that makes scores of fund company visits and thousands of phone calls to managers each year. I have 14 years of experience at Morningstar, and I know how to block out all the noise and focus on what really matters when selecting funds.

To take advantage of low fund prices, you need great fundamental research, a long-term focus, and a game plan. At Morningstar, we sort through performance data, expenses, trading costs, and more to give you unvarnished recommendations on the top 500 funds that should be on your radar. Plus, with our targeted 150 Analyst Picks, we'll tell you what funds make the best long-term investments, and we watch them closely to make sure they continue to merit our recommendations.

I'll guide you to the best managers--those who invest more than one million dollars in the fund they manage--and steer you away from the over hyped managers. I will also provide insights into companies that are a good steward of your funds and name names of those that are not.

So tune out the panicky doomsayers on television and invest in some of the best funds around. Don't throw up your hands and give up on investing. With the downturn in the market, there are more funds available than ever before.

Russel KinnelEditor,
Morningstar FundInvestor

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