Wednesday 14 January 2009

Modern Portfolio Theory


Modern finance theory uses the “capital asset pricing model” (CAPM) to estimate discount rates for equities.

Using CAPM requires estimating two inputs in addition to a risk-free rate. These are a “market risk premium” and “beta,” a measure of stock price volatility seen by backers as a risk indicator.
The mistake some analysts make is to assume that there is a single accurate data point for each of these inputs. However, each of these variables is an estimate requiring judgment.

Also read:
  1. Understanding Discount Rates
  2. Risk-free rate
  3. Traditional Method: Discount rate or WACC (I)
  4. Traditional Method: Discount rate or WACC (II)
  5. Modern Portfolio Theory
  6. Portfolio Theory: Market Risk Premiums
  7. Portfolio Theory: Beta
  8. Is the market efficient, always?
  9. Discount Rate Determinations: Summary

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