Friday 2 January 2009

Real Estate Education

Real Estate
A Home-Buying Primer
How to Find the Perfect Home
Buy, Don't Rent, When You Can Afford the Down Payment
Online Sleuthing Resources for Home Buyers
Web Can Help With Questions Your Realtor Can't Answer
Finding Your Ideal Neighborhood
Is a Bigger Lot Better When Buying a Home?
Five Ways to Beat Buyer's Remorse
A Web-Surfing Guide to Finding Discounts on Brand-New Homes
New Homes: Beware of Shoddy Construction
Forget the Mansion: Why Buying Bigger Doesn't Guarantee a Rich Retirement
Should You Buy That Home?
Seven Questions You Must Ask Before Buying a Condo
How to Avoid a Bad Co-op or Condo
The Lure of Living South of the Border
Recreational Land: Own Your Piece of Paradise
Can't Afford the Down Payment? Share the Wealth
Tips for Purchasing a House With a Pal
Best Places to Live 2007: America's Top Ten Towns
Best Places to Live 2007: Most Affordable Towns
Best Places to Live 2007: Where We'll Live Tomorrow
Best Places to Live 2007: A Look at Past Winners
Four Steps to Selling Your Home for Top Dollar
Ten Things Your Real Estate Broker Won't Tell You
Boosting Your Home's Value in a Down Market
How to Make the Most of Your Curb Appeal
Top Tips: Moving Your Home in a Bad Market
The Incentives Game: Know Your Competition
Five Reasons to Sell Your Home Yourself
Sellers Should Run From These Home Buyers
How to Overcome the Neighborhood Eyesore
Your Home Not Selling? Swap It
The Home-Sale Tax Exclusion
Selling a House Quick and Cheap
Ten Things Your Mover Won't Tell You
Let Uncle Sam Help Pay for Your Move
Renters, Fight for Your Rights!
Rent or Buy?
New Realities of the Rent vs. Buy Conundrum
Renters Insurance Can Offer a Safety Net
Got Pets, Eviction Record? Make Landlords Love You
Best and Worst Cities for Renters
How to Live Rent-Free
The Pros and Cons of Renting in Retirement
Why Homeowners Get Rich and Renters Stay Poor
Home Improvement
Which Home Improvements Pay Off -- and Which Don't?
Small Projects That Appeal to Buyers
Age-Appropriate Makeover Tips That Can Sell Your Home
Twenty Things That Can Alter Your Home's Value
How Much Is Too Much on Home Improvements?
Fixer-Uppers Can Be Dreams or Money Pits
Don't Let Repair Costs Drain Your Savings
How to Avoid Contractor Disputes, and What to Do If They Arise
How to Cope With Zoning Boards
Your Household Energy Crisis Solved
Which Backyard Features Add Value?
Medical Needs Can Help Pay for Remodeling
Tapping Friends and Family for Home Projects


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