Friday 9 January 2009

This Could Destroy Your Retirement: Inflation

This Could Destroy Your Retirement
By Todd Wenning September 10, 2008 Comments (0)

I'm sure none of us has spent time with our grandparents without hearing statements like "I remember when the movies only cost a quarter," and "A thousand dollars sure doesn't buy what it used to."
After a few college economics courses, I simply chalked it up to stuff that grandparents say. Obviously, they just didn't understand the forces of inflation compounded over 40 years.
What a smart aleck But after a recent trip to the grocery store, I caught myself sounding like my grandparents. "Four dollars for milk?" I lamented to my wife. "I remember when a gallon of milk cost $2! And that was just a few years ago."
Without getting into a complex macroeconomic analysis of why milk prices have doubled in eight years, my trip to the grocery store was a valuable reminder of inflation's destructive power.
I don't even want to think about what a gallon of milk will cost when I retire. But I'm still going to want it on my cereal, so it's best to develop a plan now that will let me enjoy my Apple Jacks when I'm 70.

Affording $12 milk in 2040

In May, The Economist reported the average world inflation rate had risen to 5.5%. The U.S. rate is slightly above that figure at 5.6%. In emerging markets like China and India, prices have risen 8% to 10% -- and those are the official statistics.
Try outpacing those rates with Treasury bills. At present, you'd actually be losing purchasing power by investing in most Treasuries.
When it comes to battling inflation, our only good defense is a good offense. That means keeping an appropriate allocation of your portfolio in equities, even well into retirement.
Note that this Vanguard fund is designed for investors currently in retirement. The further you are from your ideal retirement age, the greater the percentage of your portfolio that should be invested in equities.

Bring inflation to its knees

See, prices will continue to rise for the rest of our lives. Equities give us the best chance to not only keep up with inflation, but even stay ahead of it, in order to increase our purchasing power down the road.

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