Tuesday 3 February 2009

WEF 2009: Global crisis 'has destroyed 40pc of world wealth'

WEF 2009: Global crisis 'has destroyed 40pc of world wealth'

The past five quarters have seen 40pc of the world's wealth destroyed and business leaders expect the global economic crisis can only get worse.

By Edmund Conway in Davos
Last Updated: 5:42AM GMT 29 Jan 2009

Steve Schwarzman, chairman of private equity giant Blackstone, said an "almost incomprehensible" amount of cash had evaporated since the financial crisis took hold.
"Business will be very different,"
he added.
His comments came on a day of the World Economic Forum characterised by the gloom of its participants and warnings that the crisis will endure for some time. News Corp chief executive Rupert Murdoch kicked off the meetings by warning that the atmosphere was worsening – despite global economic confidence plumbing the lowest depths on record.
"The crisis is getting worse," he said. "It's going to take drastic action to turn it around, if it can be turned around, quickly. I believe it will take a long time."
Executives participating in an economic brainstorming session said that despite the trauma caused by the economic and financial problems, another crisis at some point in the future was inevitable.
Sir Howard Davies, director of the London School of Economics and a former Bank of England policymaker said: "The outlook is pretty grim. Things are not good and business surveys are coming out showing they're getting even worse."


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