Sunday 29 March 2009

Finding out what financial freedom is to you

Finding out what financial freedom is to you
By Yap Ming Hui


IN this article, I will elaborate on the definition of financial freedom and share a few points to help you define your own financial freedom. When you ask people what financial freedom is to them, chances are that you are going to get different answers from different people. Some may say that financial freedom means having RM1 million in the bank. For some financial freedom means no more debts and loans, and for others it means having enough money to do whatever they want.

I define financial freedom as "a controlled financial position whereby there are sufficient financial resources to meet your financial needs and wants at any time and in any circumstances".

From this definition, we can see that there are two main components to manage in attaining financial freedom.

The first involves the management of your financial resources. The second involves the management of your financial needs and wants.

The management of financial needs and wants should not be viewed only in the financial context. You need to view it at a higher context of your life. You need to identify your financial needs and wants that will give you a good life based on your definition.

This type of financial freedom planning helps you to stop chasing financial freedom defined by the society at large.

For example, having a bungalow with swimming pool, driving a luxurious car, wearing branded clothes, and so on. This definition challenges you to define your own financial needs and wants.

Normally, the first component is the component where most people understand and would focus their attention and effort on.

Most people start their life with little or no financial resources. They are very sure that they don't have sufficient financial resources to meet all their financial needs and wants. As a result, they won't bother to define their financial needs and wants in detail. They will focus their attention on making more money. That is not entirely wrong. However, you cannot achieve true financial freedom by just generating more financial resources without considering what your financial needs and wants actually are.

Remember that money is only a means to achieve an end. It is used to support an ideal or good life that we want.

The component of your financial needs and wants is whereby you translate you self-defined good life into financial terms and measurements.

Without defining your own financial needs and wants, it is likely that you will take other people's definition of financial freedom as your own. That's why there are so many people out there who just want to keep up with the Jones.

Based on this definition, the amount required to achieve financial freedom will vary from one person to another because different persons have different needs and wants.

For someone who has fewer needs and wants, he will require less money to achieve his financial freedom. For someone who has more needs and wants, he will require more financial resources to achieve his financial freedom.

Therefore, a multi-millionaire may not have achieved his financial freedom if his needs and wants are more than what his millions can meet.

On the other hand, someone who is not a millionaire may still be able to achieve financial freedom if his financial resources are more than enough to meet his needs and wants.

Key steps to attain financial freedom

The following are the key steps to follow to achieve financial freedom:

- Define what is a good life to you.

- Find out the financial needs and wants to support your good life.

- Test if you have sufficient financial resources to meet all your financial needs and wants. If you have enough, congratulation, but if you don't then have a plan to increase your financial resources and re-look and re-prioritise your financial needs and wants

- Test again if you have sufficient financial resources to meet your adjusted financial needs and wants. If you have enough then you are on your way to achieve your financial freedom. But if you don't, then you have to continue to increase your financial resources and re-look and re-prioritise your financial needs and wants.

As we can see, true financial freedom attainment is not only about money or financial management. It is also about managing your financial needs and wants.

Essentially, financial freedom attainment is about balancing your financial resources with your financial needs and wants. You can increase your financial resources to meet your high financial needs and wants but you will have a certain price to pay.

You may have to take more risks. You may have work longer hours and harder.

On the other hand, to re-prioritise your financial needs and wants, you will also have to pay a price. You may have to change your lifestyles or give up some of your expensive hobbies. The upside of it is that you get to have more time for yourself and family, less stress and more health.

Francis, one of my clients, is a business owner. He and his wife like to enjoy a luxurious life. He knows that he has to work very hard and take a lot of risks to have enough money to support his expensive lifestyle. However, he is happy to do so.

Another client of mine, Joshua, is also a business owner. He knows that he will need to spend a lot of time and undergo a lot of stress to make more money. As a result, he does not mind lowering his financial needs and wants to match his financial resources.

To Joshua, a good life is having peace of mind and more time for himself and family.

From the example of Francis and Joshua, we know that a person can either increase his financial resources or reduce his financial needs and wants depending on his values and definition of a good life. There is no right or wrong in either case.

Each individual will have his own unique financial freedom goal, depending on his financial needs and wants.

Financial freedom is never about becoming a millionaire or billionaire like most people would assume.

The biggest challenge to achieving financial freedom is finding out what financial freedom really means to you. Once you find that answer, the issue of how to achieve it would not be so difficult.

Yap Ming Hui is the managing director of Whitman Independent Advisors Sdn Bhd, the first multi-client family office in Malaysia

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