Saturday 4 April 2009

Did You Miss the Best Week to Buy Stocks?

Did You Miss the Best Week to Buy Stocks?
By Todd Wenning March 30, 2009 Comments (20)

Ten years from now, we very well may look back and say that the first week of March 2009 was the best week to buy stocks in more than a generation.

That Monday, the U.S. government announced another bailout of AIG, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 4% to 6,736 -- below 7,000 for the first time since 1997 and marking a full 50% drop from the October 2007 highs.

Breaking that psychological barrier of Dow 7,000 was apparently too much for many investors to bear.

Over $22 billion was pulled out of equity-based mutual funds over the following week, and if you flipped through some of the news stories, they were rife with capitulation from analysts. My favorite lines included:

"It's like an unending nightmare."
"Why should I step out in front of a train?"
"This is the time for hysteria."

Even the slightest contrarian investor had to perk up at such blatant bottom talk. If there was ever a time to buy when there was blood in the streets, that was the week to do it.

Pigs get slaughtered
Fast forward just three weeks and the Dow is up 17% off its March 6 lows of 6,443, and over 80% of S&P 500 members are up more than 10% over the same period. Among the biggest winners are:

Price % Change (3/6/2009 to Present)

NYSE Euronext (NYSE: NYX)
Corning (NYSE: GLW)
Schwab (Nasdaq: SCHW)
Caterpillar (NYSE: CAT)
Adobe Systems (Nasdaq: ADBE)
Source: Capital IQ, a division of Standard and Poor's.

Since that first week in March, we've seen a number of positive signs from the market, including tech bellwether Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL) beating analyst estimates and announcing its first dividend. There have also been numerous economic reports that seem to indicate an end to the free fall of prior months.

But let's not get too excited
Yes, this is only a four week period, and yes, we could certainly see more dips in the market in coming months. But this simple example is a stark reminder to remain rational and patient while those around us lose their heads.

With a little fortitude and a little cash, you can take advantage of tremendous long-term buying opportunities like we saw the first week in March. If you missed the chance to buy during the first week of March, don't panic. If this market's taught us anything, it's that we'll have another shot if we just remain calm.

To get started, begin compiling a list of stocks you'd be happy to own for the next five years and beyond. Ideally, these will be companies …

Built to last 100 years or more.
Dominating growing industries.
Helmed by committed and proven management teams.
Governed by the highest corporate values.
Consistently increasing shareholder value.

Todd Wenning shorts herd behavior, but has no position in any stock mentioned. NYSE Euronext is a Motley Fool Rule Breakers recommendation. Charles Schwab and Costco are Stock Advisor recommendations. Costco is also an Inside Value pick. The Fool's disclosure policy can get you where you need to go.

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