Tuesday 21 April 2009

****Stock selection for long term investors

Overview of the the market and stock selection for long term investors

The Market

There is much volatility in the market. This is due to trading activities. The majority of trades are short term trading. Trading has increased in the market due to various factors:

• Increase turnover rates of mutual funds, hedge funds, off shore funds and pension funds.
• Decrease cost of trading.
• Speed of trading facilitated by technology innovations.
• Investing institution and managers are acting more as agents rather than as investors on behave of their clients.

A minority invests based on fundamentals.

Trading can be in derivatives. The nature of derivative securities is based on price or action of another security. Trading in derivatives has too increased.

Is trading a good thing? It does increase liquidity to the market and this is good. However too much trading and speculation has its downsides. This is akin to breathing 21% Oxygen (life-sustaining) versus breathing 100% Oxygen (too much oxygen has the associated danger of spontaneous combustion).

In this market downturn, questions we have been hearing the most recently are:

  • Is it different this time?
  • How long will it last?
  • Have we seen the bottom yet?
Who knows? These questions are important but not knowable, therefore don’t waste time pondering on these.

The questions long term investors should ask are:

  • Are you investing in an easy to understand, wide moat and well run business?
  • Does that business generate consistent cash flows and has a clean balance sheet?
  • Finally, are you buying at a large discount to what the business is worth?

Strategies for selecting stock for the long term investor

Benjamin Graham: "Investment is best when it is business like. "

However, long term investing is not the only way to make money, there are other ways too.

These 4 strategies should aid one’s investment into equities:
1. Select the business that is long term profitable and giving good return on total capital (ROTC).
2. The business should have managers with talent and integrity in equal measures.
3. Understand the business reinvestment dynamics.
4. Pay a fair price for the business.

1. The business to invest in must make money over time.

  • Examine how its revenues and profits are generated. 
  • How do its products or services contribute to the value of its business? 
  • What are its costs? 
  • Look for a business that gives good RETURN ON TOTAL CAPITAL (ROTC), not just those with high ROE. 
  • Be aware that high ROE can be due to taking on too much debt. 
  • Avoid IPOs, start-ups and venture capitals.

2. Look for managers with a good balance of talent and integrity.

  • Those with integrity but lack talent are nice people to have as friends, but they may not be able to deliver good results for the business. 
  • Those with talent but lack integrity will harm your business and longer term investment objectives.

3. Is the company able to reinvest its money or capital at a better rate over time?

Basically, be conscious of the reinvestment dynamic of the company.

(a) There are companies giving good return on total capital and able to reinvest their capital at better incremenetal rates over time.
  • Invest in these companies as they are effectively compounding your money year after year. 
  • This is the powerful concept of REINVESTMENT COMPOUNDING seen in some companies, best illustrated by Berkshire Hathaway. (Reinvestment Compounding)
(b) Some companies have good return on total capital but can’t reinvest this at better rate over time.
  • For example, a restaurant business may be dependent on the personal touch of the owner. 
  • Expanding the business to another restaurant may not generate the same return on capital. 
  • In such cases, the worse approach is to grow the business of the restaurant. This is unlike McDonald. 
  • Those investing into such businesses should understand that their RETURNS ARE FROM DIVIDENDS and from RETURN OF TOTAL CAPITAL.
(c) Avoid those businesses with no return on total capital but use more capital all the time.

  • An example of this is the airline industry. AVOID such investments.

4. Determining the fair price to pay for the ownership of the business is important.

  • For the outside shareholder, the investment should earn the same returns as the company’s business returns.
  • If the company earns 10% or 12% or 15% per year for 5 years, the outside shareholders should likewise aim to earn a return of 10% or 12% or 15% per year for 5 years by paying a fair price. 
  • Paying a PE of 40 for this company may mean not earning such return as the price paid was too high. 
  • On the other hand, paying a PE of 10 – 15 gives the investor a better odd of getting this fair return.
  • Paying a fair price for owning a business is important. The company earnings maybe as expected but then your returns failed to match these as you have paid too much to own the business.

What about other factors?

The economy, interest rates, fuel prices, commodity prices, foreign exchange, price of gold and geopolitical situations; should not these influence your investing?

Yes, these are hugely important factors. However, they are not predictable and largely out of our control. They are not knowable in advance. It is better to distance oneself from thinking about them when assessing the business to invest in.

Therefore, the approach adopted should generally not be a top-down macroeconomic one, but a bottom-up microeconomic one. “The implication is with the passage of time, a good business over a long period of time produce results to the investor over time.”


Identify the company that is in a profitable business giving good return on total capital (ROTC).

The managers should be talented and honest, and have the interest of the shareholders.

The business should be able to reinvest capital at higher incremental rates of returns and with discipline. (Reinvestment compounding).

Also, acquire the company at fair price to ensure a fair return. Avoid paying too much for the current prospect of the company, look long term.


Effectively the above is the same as the QVM approach.

Quality: A good quality company has consistent and/or increasing revenue, profit, eps, and high ROE or ROC.

Value: This is dependent on the price paid to acquire the business. Using earnings yield or PE enables one to determine the fair price to pay for this business.

Management: Look for businesses where the managers have these 2 qualities in the right balance - talent and integrity.

Search out for companies with high ROE or ROTC and low PE or high earnings yield (indicating "cheapness"). Relate the ROE or ROTC to the PE or earnings yield of the business.

A fair price to pay for the business will be the price that guarantees at least a return equivalent to the returns generated by the business you invest in.

Owning a good quality company with talented and honest managers at a good price (fair or bargain price) incorporates all the elements of investing preached by Benjamin Graham, namely the safety of capital considerations, reward/risk ratio considerations and the margin of safety considerations.

Also read: ROE versus ROTC

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