Sunday 19 April 2009

****Value Investing Conference (Videos)

Value Investing Conference 2008

"Introduction to Value Investing"

"Developments in the Investments Industry" - Panelists discuss the current financial crisis, its implications for investors, for value investing, and for the future of the hedge fund industry.

"Navigator of the Year" Award

"The Psychology of Human Misjudgement and Our Best Idea

Keynote: Alice Schroeder, author of "The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life". Introductory remarks by John Macfarlane.

"How To Get Fired As a Pension Fund Manager" - Prominent money managers discuss where they find value and why these underexplored areas are often less popular with institutional investors.

"A Casual Talk with Two Guys from Richmond" - The interplay and overlap between the worlds of investing in business and managing businesses from the perspective of two areas that have demonstrated ...

"A Funnel of International Value" - From the global mega cap companies to the regional mid cap companies to the national smaller cap companies, these global investors take you on an international q...

"Hidden Values" - From a macro and micro perspective, three industry leaders examine how to capitalize on variant perceptions via portfolio bets.

"Groundhog Day +1" - The subprime crisis has occured, what's next and how that impacts a value portfolio.

Closing Remarks & presentation: "Does the Implosion of the Shadow Banking System Give Classic Investing a Second Wind?"

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