Thursday 2 April 2009

Why investors behave the way they do

Why investors behave the way they do
Published: 2009/04/01

Learning from other market players’ mistakes; analysing how and what they think, can help an investor emerge as a winner in the market

In recent years, behavioural finance has been gaining grounds in trying to explain the financial anomalies in the stock market. These anomalies, which cannot be addressed by traditional financial theory such as the market efficiency theory may sound purely theoretical, but you cannot brush aside the need to understand the psychology of investors as it plays a big part in driving the stock market.

What is Behavioural Finance?

Behavioural finance is the study to explain the financial behaviour from the psychological aspect. Over the years, market psychologists have discovered that the two primary emotions that drive investors' risk-taking behaviour are hope and fear. There are a few key behavioural concepts that will help us to understand why some of us behave in certain ways when it comes to making investment decisions. In this article, we talk about four of such concepts:

* Regret theory

Regret, a simple enough concept to understand by any layman, refers to the emotional experience that one goes through when confronted with the wrong decision that he or she has made. It manifests itself in the form of pain when one feels responsible for not doing the right thing. When you look back at your investment history, try to recall the state you were in when you missed the chance to cut losses or missed the opportunity to buy a stock that you knew you should have bought because it was considered a good buy. Try and remember how you felt when the price of that particular stock that you did not buy increased subsequently. This emotion often becomes embedded in someone's mind in such a way that it regulates his or her future actions and decisions.

As a result, most investors make it a habit to avoid selling a loss-making stock and instead hope that the price will rebound eventually - all this, to avoid the feeling of regret. They would much rather make a paper loss than admit that they have made a mistake. In some cases, where the bad decisions happen to be recommended by their financial advisers, investors will put the blame on the advisers to avoid regret.

* Prospect theory

Prospect theory developed by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (1979), states that "we have an irrational tendency to be less willing to gamble with profits than with losses". Kahneman and Tversky found that when confronted with the choice between accepting a sure loss and taking a chance, most people will choose the latter. This phenomenon is called "loss aversion", which basically means that in general, people hate to lose. So, when faced with a situation involving loss, they become risk takers; they take the chance even if there is only the slightest hope of not having to lose.

On the other hand, when presented with a sure gain, they usually become risk-averse. Investors who behave this way tend to mark their stocks to the price that they originally paid to secure them and not to market. As such, they aim to get even before closing out a position. This type of investors usually ends up holding on to their loss-making stocks for far too long, which may very well prove detrimental to them in the end.

* Overconfidence

It is human nature for us to over-estimate our abilities and shower ourselves with a little too much confidence, i.e, overconfidence. Studies show that investors are often overconfident when it comes to their ability to predict the market's direction. Oddly enough, this is something that is more prominent among novice investors. Compared to experienced investors, those who are new to the market tend to set higher return expectations and end up being overwhelmed by the unfavourable outcome. As a result of overconfidence, some investors tend to trade too frequently only to get unsatisfactory returns or worse yet, losses. With the convenience of online trading, some even quit their full-time jobs to do day trading, thinking that they have the ability to predict the market and earn fast money. These are the people that usually end up getting burned if they do so without proper understanding of what they have been buying and selling, especially when the market is highly volatile.

* Anchoring

This is a behavioural phenomenon in which people tend to extrapolate the past into the future, putting heavier weight on the recent past. At times, when there are new announcements from companies, analysts fail to adjust their earnings forecast for the companies to reflect the latest information due to the anchoring effect. As a result, they land themselves with a few surprises when positive news become more positive and vice versa.

What has been discussed above are a few common behavioural phenomena experienced by investors that are useful to know. By understanding the psychology behind investors' behaviours, you can learn to recognise mistakes and avoid making such mistakes yourself. Learning from other market players' mistakes; analysing how and what they think, can help you emerge as a winner in the market.

Securities Industry Development Corp, the leading capital markets education, training and information resource provider in Asean, is the training and development arm of the Securities Commission, Malaysia. It was established in 1994 and incorporated in 2007.

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