Sunday 31 May 2009

Financial education for Life

Finally I read something MAKE SENSE from our education ministry : ONLY TEN SUBJECTS for SPM. This is looooong over-due(like the correction in KLSE? Haha) ... and many not-so-knowledegable-cum-kiasu-cum-kiasi parents were wanting their kids to take 14As if possible!! The crazy rush was from the weakness in our un-educated education ministers officers(they are POLITICIANS with their hidden political agenda ... u think they care how u people feel about education ar? Bodoh la ... kita cari makan saja. Makan, they did.)

Parent 1 : How many A's your daughter scored ar?

Parent 2: Hai ya ... that lazy girl arr ... I told her to take 14 subjects, she took 12 only. So, only get 12 A's la. Luckily she got all A1 la, otherwise I don't know where to put my face leh.

Parent 1 : Wah .... 12 A1 arr. Next year my boy taking SPM. I must ask him to take 15 subjects la. Currently he is also planning to take only 12 subjects. What you think arr?

Parent 2 : Ya loh ... ya loh ... must leh. Otherwise hor, u will 'drop your spec' leh. Regret like me now too late liao.

Parent 3 : Excuse me ladies ... u didnt read the paper ar? Our gov said next year onwards students can only take max 10 subjects leh.

Parent 1 : WHAT!! Stupid goverment hor ... now my son could not beat MRS XYZ of 12A's liao. Hai yo ...

Parent 2 : Hehe ... don't worry, MRS ABC. Ask him to tak piano test, ballet test, swimming test and may be SIDC test also la. That add up also 14 subjects ma. Haha

Parent 1 : %&##*&^%

Parent 3 : My son and daughter doing very well now tho they only took 8 subjects and obtained only 3-5 A's. I teach them 'financial prudency' at home and they learnt 'investment' from their dad. They do not need to get all the A's to get employed but they are employing others to manage a wealth-management company at the moment. I m so proud of them.

Parent 1 and Parent 2 are very puzzled. How on earth could a parent taking it so cool that their kids not getting ALL A's? You mean the subjects in our school will not teach them financial-survival in REAL lives? But ... but ... they are taking Economy, Accounting, Business Studies, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics ... surely they know how to count $$$ la.

Yeah, right. You scored A in your MORAL subject doesnt mean you are morally correct, ok? Do I need to give more examples WHY our education system is irrelevant when it comes to personal FINANCIAL? I was never taught to be financial-savvy, ok?


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