Sunday 14 June 2009

Everyone is a hero in a bull market

Psychologists have identified that it is human nature to attribute our wins to our skill and our losses to our bad luck. Don't fall for this trap.

With trading and investment, luck often parades as skill, especially when a market is doing well. During a bullish run in the stock market you will often meet someone who is very happy with their ability to pick the right stocks, because they have backed one that has performed well.

But in the same way that a rising tide lifts all boats, even the rusty ones, many stocks do well in a bull market, even if they're nothing special. So the profit may have more to do with favourable big picture events at the time, such as a strong economy or falling interest rates, than with anything company specific. This really means that the person was lucky rather than skilful.

Be mindful of the old chestnut that 'everyone is a hero in a bull market'. As prices went higher and higher, they increased their investment sizes, so that when the crash came they had far more money at risk than they would have imagined just a year earlier. It ended badly. Profits tempted them in, and losses forced them out.

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