Monday 15 June 2009

The fundamentals had changed and the trend may not be your friend

"I didn't invest in this or just about any other tech company in the final twelve months of the boom, and I tried where I could to sell my tech investments. I had been investing in tech since 1995, but, to me, the fundamentals of the tech sector had changed. The quality of new tech companies had dropped tremendously and they were being funded with a lot of cheap money from naive investors."

The above investor made his decision despite the fact that share prices in the tech sector were trending straight upwards and that decision saved him a hell of alot of money when the crash came.

The tech crash is a great example of where fundamentals are the most important consideration, and where the trend may not be your friend. The strategy here is to monitor the fundamentals and to cut positions accordingly, even if the trend is still in your favour.

If the fundamentals have changed, adjust the position accordingly.

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