Tuesday 16 June 2009

Looking for investing ideas

Where to look for investing and/or trading ideas? There are thousands of different stocks, bonds and commodities. How can an investor find anything?

You need to be inquisitive about the markets. You will probably be drawn to the markets that you find most interesting. As you get to know more, try to identify patterns and anomalies in the way they behave. These will be the basis of your investing and/or trading idea.

It can be rewarding:

1. To be inquisitive, especially in the financial markets
2. To watch crowd behaviour. Jump onto some great trends and jump off when this turn more neutral. Trade with a consensus, rather than against it.
3. To think for yourself. Always apply your own reasoning.
4. To keep an open mind. Think about crazy things. Test them by asking challenging questions. The answers are less important than the thought processes they revealed.

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