Friday 12 June 2009

Price-to-book ratios and Superior Returns

PE ratios are not the only value-based criterion for buying stocks. A number of academic papers, begining with Dennis Stattman's in 1980 and culminating in the paper by Eugene Fama and Ken French in 1992, have suggested that price-to-book P/B ratios may be even more significant than PE ratios in predicting future cross-sectional stock returns.

Like PE ratios, Graham and Dodd considered book value to be an important factor in determining returns. More than 60 years ago, they wrote:

We suggest rather forcibly that the book value deserves at least a fleeting glance by the public before it buys or sells shares in a business undertaking..... Let the stock buyer, if he lays any claim to intelligence, at least be able to tell himself, first, how much he is actually paying for the business, and secondly, what he is actually getting for his money in terms of tangible resources.

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