Saturday 27 June 2009

Why Invest in Stocks?

Investing is a complex business.

But, then, so is medicine, engineering, chemistry, geology, law, philosophy, photography, history, accounting - you name it.

In fact, investing is so intimidating that many intelligent individuals avoid it.

Instead, they stash their money in CDs, annuitites, bonds, or mutual funds.

Apparently, they can't face buying common stocks.

This is too bad, because that's precisely where the money is made.

You don't make money every day, every week, or even every year.

But over the long term, you will make the most out of your investment dollars.

Read also:
Why Invest in Stocks?
Why Invest in Stocks? Look at the Facts
Why Invest in Stocks? Investing for the Long Term
Why Invest in Stocks? Some Profitable Comparisons
Why Invest in Stocks? Why Doesn't Everyone Buy Common Stocks?
Why Invest in Stocks? An Example in Practice

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