Saturday 4 July 2009

How Value Investors Use Investment Products

To be honest, if you are an experienced investor with time on your hands and all the right information and tools at your fingertips, you may not need investment products. But if you're starting out, don't have time, or need to build out a portfolio, they may make sense.

Investment products have investor benefits and investing benefits.

  • Selecting stocks can be a daunting chore for busy people.
  • Although you may be a skilled and knowledgeable investor, you may not have the time or inclination to be actively involved in tracking detailed financial information and selecting stocks.

One popular strategy for getting started in value investing is to use all the tools and skills, that you pick up on this, to start picking stocks on a small scale.

  • A few funds, like a core value-oriented fund or ETF, can put the remaining bulk of your investment dollars to work.
  • Practice makes perfect. As you gain confidence with your stock selection skills, you can move more dollars into individual equities and allocate fewer dollars to funds.

Funds and investment products can also be a great tool to round out a stock portfolio.

  • You may not feel comfortable choosing foreign stocks, small company stocks, or stocks in some other specialty area.
  • You can get exposure to these areas while getting the help of professional money mangers.

Funds, and their choices, can also light the way to individual stock selections.

  • Although some are reluctant to provide up-to-the-minute lists and selected stocks (they are required to twice a year), their investment lists, and top investments in particular, can initiate your own research into these companies.
  • Most interesting is to follow the funds of value "gurus" like Bill Nygren and Bill Miller, and of course, Warren Buffett. Imitation is not only flattering, but it can give you good ideas and save a lot of time.

Some investment products are:

  • open-ended and closed-ended mutual funds
  • REITS, and,
  • ETFs.

Whether or not you're a do-it-yourselfer, funds and other investment products have their place.

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