Thursday 2 July 2009

To make money in the stock market, you must have discipline

When it pays to follow rules
Hemananthani Sivanandam

T3B (Track the Trend Breakthrough) system founder Keane Lee believes it pays to follow the rules — literally. This belief, held steadfastly for many years, has made him who he is today — a financially free man.

“If you want to make money in the stock market, you must have discipline. The trading plan is something you must abide by. It is your compass in the forest.”

T3B is a web-based trading system which identifies stocks and derivatives that are about to rise significantly or plunge drastically.

“As we all know, the most vital elements in trading stocks are to pick the right stocks and the right price to enter and exit the market.

“T3B is a charting system that allows people to pinpoint the exact buying and selling price of stocks in markets such as Malaysia, Hongkong, Singapore and Indonesia,” said Lee, who also conducts courses on the T3B system.

With more than 5,000 people in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia following the system, Lee said the system allows one to be emotionally detached, which he said is crucial in order to trade.

He said the most important factor when buying shares is the price and knowing when to sell without being influenced by emotions.

“Many people make the mistake of listening to rumours or people when it comes to buying shares. Some buy in a frenzy and some sell (shares) in a panic.

“If you know how to get into the share market but not out, then you’ll be stuck and suffer losses. The system helps you to get in but most importantly, get out and cut your losses.”

Is the system foolproof? Lee said the system is not a miraculous or magical formula as it is merely a guide to help people make the right decision.

“I can tell you that not all 5,000 of my students are completely financially free because to me, there are three types of people when it comes to trading.”

He said there are some people who embrace the system but at the same time they go back to their old habit of listening to ­rumours and tips about the market.

“Then there are also those who are not disciplined and focused to follow the system and give up.

“Lastly, there are people who procrastinate. The procrastinators are the ones who believe in the system but somehow find it hard to make the first move of trading and postpone it,” said Lee, who has 20 years’ experience in trading and broking.

He likened the system to someone in a forest but is equipped with infra-red goggles.

“I can give you the goggles to guide you but I cannot change what is on your path. We cannot change what will happen in the stock market but the system allows you clarity to see the movements in the market and tells you which to follow,” said Lee.

Lee said the system was initially created for his personal use but through word of mouth, it became popular.

“I taught it to some of my clients but soon others were willing to pay me to teach them about the system, so I thought, why not?”

He said apart from attaining financial freedom, it gives him ­satisfaction when he sees people who use the system becoming successful.

“I believe if you give the world the best, the best comes back to you.”

Lee’s investment tips

» Be financially educated.
Ignorance is expensive

» Find a trading niche which
is suitable for you

» Focus and follow through your
investment plan

» Set realistic goals

» Make money but also save to re-invest

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such great post, according to me make a proper analysis of sectors where you want to invest and also see the compatibility and the profitability of that sectors is the perfect way to invest. The professional attitude of investment is like you should invest for long term and don’t follow the crowd. For more details on how to invest in the stock market refer learn to invest money
