Monday 20 July 2009

Wake up Malaysians. “What has this country come to?”

What has this country come to?

There had been so many unexplained and unresolved incidences. Altantunya, Kugan, and now Teoh. There are also many issues, like Lingam tapes, alleged corruptions in high places, abuses of public offices and others.

When some lawyers mentioned in 1998 that if such an "event" can happen to Anwar, then the deputy PM, it may happen to anyone. They were not mincing their words.

Politics in this country is very partisan. Even the recent tragedy of Teoh, which should have provoked a bipartisan response, was debated by some "significant" politicians in a partisan manner. Surprisingly, too many remain silent on this important issue. This is truly saddening.

Where is the sense of right and wrong in these politicians and certain national papers.

Wake up Malaysians.

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