Tuesday 8 September 2009

$7 a day will make you a million

$7 a day will make you a million
by William Spetrino Jr

How would you like buy a stock at 30 years ago prices? How would you like to be partners with the one investor who has made over 100 billion dollars solely from investing? This article will get you started on the road to financial independence.

33 years ago you could have bought Berkshire Hathaway at 40 dollars per share .Today the same shares are about $110,000 . Question if you knew back then you wanted to own Berkshire 33 years ago what price would you have wanted to pay for the shares, $40 dollars or $110,000 per share? Obviously $40 would be a "bit cheaper". Back then someone who had the ingenuity to raise $1000 dollars and could "free up 20 cents per day" Someone who could borrow $1000 dollars at 7% from a relative would have paid $70 dollars debt service on their 25 shares of BRK-A. Today that $70 a year “investment” would be worth a grand total of 2.7 million dollars. And guess what how much tax you have paid? ZERO.

Berkshire B (BRK-B) now trades at $3590 per share. Someone who borrowed $36000 dollars could buy 10 BRK-B shares. The same 7% loan would cost you $2520 per year or a little over $200 a month which is about 7 dollars a day. Just assuming a 12% return rate (Pabrai thinks 15% at price of $5000 but let’s be conservative), your stock will be worth 1,152,000 million dollars in 30 years and guess how much tax you pay, ZERO! What about 15% compounded like Pabrai "projects" in 33.6years that stock will be worth over 4.6 million.

What are the odds that Berkshire B will be worth less in 30 years? Looking for the "extra 7 dollars" a day and raising the seed capital is ALL that stands in your way. You don't need to change your present investment but just add this to "your arsenal". Many financial advisors stress "diversification" and this simple idea could add millions to your net worth in the future

Ok what’s stopping you? Will most of you achieve wealth and financial independence anyhow if you have not already? Probably so. Anyone out here bought a nice vehicle to treat yourself for achieving "wealth". Think of this article and my book as a great way to "tune up" the engine and make your dream car run "even faster". The small investment in time and money could be worth millions. Would you drive your expensive dream car and have no insurance or spare tire? Think about it.


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