Friday 4 September 2009

Multiple baggers in KLSE

Here is a spreadsheet of the top multiple bagger stocks in KLSE for the 10 year period from 1999 to 2009.

There are only 2 ten baggers over this period, namely Top Glove and Mah Sing. A close third is IOI Corp.

All multiple baggers give dividend in varying amounts. Among these multiple baggers, DLady, PBB and PPB occupy the top 3 places in terms of dividend yields.

A doubling of a share price of $1 to $2 equates to a gain of 100%. Another doubling of the share price from $2 to $4 equates to a gain of 300%. Doubling again from $4 to $8, gives a gain of 700%.

Having a 10 bagger in your portfolio equates to a gain 900%. That means the share have at least doubled more than 3x from its initial share price, thus, 2 x 2 x 2 x ... .

It is therefore not surprising that a 10 bagger is a rarity over a short investing time frame. Moreover, a 10 bagger over a 10 year investing period (1999 - 2009) is a rare event in KLSE as per data above. Although it is possible over a very long time frame, many investors would have sold off the stocks to capture the gains much earlier.

Did you recently ride on this 10 bagger depicted below?

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