Monday 7 September 2009

My first two bagger

Sun 10 Jun 2007
My first two bagger

I was just perusing over my portfolio this weekend and realized that I have my first two “bagger”. In investing the term “bagger” was coined by Peter Lynch, which refers to an investment that has multiplied in value. He actually often used terms like 6 or 10 bagger, which he grabbed from the game of baseball where “bags” or “bases” that a runner reaches are the measure of the success of a play.

Regardless I have my first investment that has doubled in value. On Oct 21, 2005 I bought 22 shares of PCAR @ 42.49 per share. Today the price sits at roughly $86 per share netting me a 100+% return on my money on paper. It actually happened a while ago, but I just realized it now. PCAR also has a 1.2% dividend yield which I haven’t been counting into my returns so overall it has been a pretty good investment for me.

So what does this mean?

  1. Nothing really, other than I got lucky and picked an investment that has done well the last year and a half.
  2. It has nothing to say about my stock picking skills or the quality of investment that PCAR will be for me in the long-run.
  3. It’s just an oddball statistic that is pretty cool to point out. Sort of like a hole-in-one, it really requires no skill and can happen to anyone and doesn’t mean you aren’t going to still shoot 100+ for the round.
  4. Only time will tell.

Sources: Wikipedia

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