Tuesday 20 October 2009

Graham's view of people who trade continuously

"Everyone knows that most people who trade in the market lose money at the end.  The peopl,e who persist in trying it are either unintelligent, or willing to lose money for the fun of the game, or gifted with some uncommon and incommunicable talent.  In any case, they are not investors."

"Too many clever and experienced people are engaged simultaneously in tryng to outwit one another in the market.  The result, we believe, is that all their work and effort 'cancel out', so that ... each conclusion ends up by being no more dependable than the toss of a coin  ... the activities of the stock market analysts are the same as the activities of a tournament of bridge expert.  Everyone is very brilliant indeed, but scarcely anyone is so superior to the rest as to be certain of winning a prize .... because the analysts communicate freely with each other, it is as if all the contestants in the bridge tournament gathered around and argued with each other what strategy each should use."

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