Monday 19 October 2009

Learning the Ropes of Investing

Learning the Ropes of Investing
Six Benefits of Joining an Investment Club
© Odiete Eneakpodia

Oct 18, 2009
The path to financial freedom goes beyond just earning money from a regular job and saving it. Successful wealth accumulation begins when we learn how to multiply our money.

A lot of people are today familiar with the need to invest their money however they don’t have the requisite knowledge to make profitable investment decisions especially since the world of investment is fraught with risks and uncertainties.

One way to build knowledge and gain confidence about investing is through investment clubs.

1. What is an investment club?

2.  Benefits of investment clubs

(Access to investment ideas that could boost your personal investment activities
Club meetings provide you access to smart ideas on attractive investment opportunities such as what stock is currently a must buy in the market, new private placement opportunities etc. Sharing in the research of others and the extra bonus of a group setting for discussing investment ideas and issues often enriches the quality of our investment decision making.

Many clubs also develop unique learning activities that could include listening to and watching investment training videos from top investment experts, playing investment games like cash flow 101 developed by Robert kiyosaki, attending investment workshops, etc.)

3.  You could become your own stock analyst

(One thing a rookie investor can learn form joining and participating in the activities of your investment club is the skill to pick stocks he wants to invest in rather than relying on his intuition or his stock broker.

It gives him the skill to analyze stocks and other investments on his own before putting his money. This knowledge acquired will prove useful in his own personal investment activities.)

4.  Leverage the power of numbers to minimize risk

5.  Build wealth gradually and achieve financial independence

(Joining an Investment club enables a newbie investor master the discipline of setting aside a part of your income periodically to invest an ideal strategy to gradually build wealth and achieve financial independence.)

6.  Social networking

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