Thursday 12 November 2009

The earnings multiple valuation method

The earnings multiple valuation method

The earnings multiple valuation method is the preferred valuation method for most situations. It represents what someone would pay if you tried to sell under normal conditions, which is arguably the most appropriate valuation method for private equity investments.

In the broad strokes, this method entails applying an industry-based multiple to the earnings of a business to arrive at an implied enterprise value. From this enterprise value, subtracting net debt gives the equity value. In simple scenarios (involving only ordinary equity), a private equity firm’s relevant investment value is equal to their proportional stake in the investee’s equity.

The subjectivity of this method comes in the following forms:

•Do you use last year’s actual earnings number? Do you use a forecast? If so, whose forecast do you use? And what earnings are we talking about: NPBT, NPAT, EBIT, EBITDA? What about the effect of non-recurring costs, contributions from discontinued business units, forecast acquisition synergies, etc?

•What is an appropriate multiple? Are transactions from six months ago reasonable comparisons? Should I only use transactions from the same industry as comparables? What about company size: should I only compare those of similar size? What if there haven’t been any transactions for 12 months (this is especially applicable now)? Should I use the mean, mode or median of comparable transactions?

There are a lot of questions there and not many answers; it really depends on how honest you want to be with yourself and the limited partners. Here are my suggestions:

•Earnings - You should use the earnings number that you expect at the time of reporting. For example, this may be the current year’s EBIT forecast adjusted for the latest actual earnings figures (that is, if you were below budget, adjust the forecast months accordingly). If the trend is towards using the previous year’s earnings, then you should follow suit.

•Multiple - In the current climate, you may need to look outside your industry for trends, but also make sure to look for similar sized transactions. There’s no perfect multiple to use, but there’s certainly a range that will seem reasonable. I’d say in the current environment that anything over 8-10x would be unreasonable. For mid-market deals, I wouldn’t expect to see multiples over 6-7x, unless there is a strong case for exceptional growth. It may surprise you, but I’m seeing some interesting deals go for 3x now.

You’ll know in your own mind whether you’re being fair with your analysis. Try not to cheat yourself because there’s a real danger that it could come back to haunt you. There’s always the argument that if things really do get better, investors will be glad to see a significant uptick in your next report. If you’re too optimistic now, disappointing them twice will hardly be fun. Also, investors won’t be surprised with value losses now; they’re probably expecting them. So take this opportunity to take an honest look at your portfolio and move on to planning for the upturn (now there’s some positive thinking).

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