Wednesday 11 November 2009

The great natural gas conundrum

The great natural gas conundrum
Nebulous, drifting, volatile: all good ways to describe both natural gas and the conflicted outlook for the commodity among industry experts at the moment.

By Rowena Mason
Published: 9:38PM GMT 08 Nov 2009

A gas field exploration platform owned by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) in South China Sea.

On the one hand, a growing number of economists are the early-bird canaries in the mine, warning of a dangerous build up of natural gas on the verge of suffocating the market with an oversupply. On the other side, there is no shortage of energy companies dashing into the biggest gas extraction projects the world has ever known, proclaiming that a new era of burgeoning demand will be upon us.

So what has caused the commentators to float apart to such a degree? And whose sums look set to turn out to be an expensive mistake?

First, a look through the hazy clouds of forecasting at the fundamentals of the gas market. Henry Hub prices at the New York Mercantile Exchange have crashed 62pc this year. Reserves in the US are at historic highs. In fact, there's a glut of the stuff packed into disused fields and liquefied natural gas storage units across the globe. For many months now, producers have been hopefully waiting for gas prices to follow the oil price upwards, but the traditional connection – with a time lag between gas trailing oil – appears to have drifted out of kilter.

Part of this is the recession: Royal Dutch Shell, Europe's biggest energy company, warned two weeks ago that it had seen absolutely no increase in need for gas in Europe, and only a slight upturn in the US. In the short term, there has even been talk among Morgan Stanley analysts that the natural state of contango – where spot prices are lower than forward prices – could collapse causing the entire gas market to seize up next year.

Now the International Energy Agency is expected to warn this week that there is little chance of a recovery in demand before 2015, fuelled by a global drive to decarbonise with a new emphasis on renewable sources, nuclear power and energy efficiency.

But looking beyond the stagnant demand, oversupply has also been caused by technological breakthroughs in extraction techniques that mean so-called "tight" formations are getting cheaper to develop. The US was at one point speeding its way through natural gas reserves at an alarming rate, but over the past two decades, unconventional gas–from shales and coal-bed methane –has grown from 10pc to 40pc of the market.

Some commentators, including the Pulitzer Prize winning author of Daniel Yergin, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power, have hailed this as a revolution in the fossil fuel industry that could change the world's whole gas balance if other countries follow America's lead. Technology has also given greater competition to the markets.

So why, if gas has become suddenly abundant, mobile and unwanted, are there still energy majors from BP to Shell to ExxonMobil keen to exploit expensive developments in far-flung, often hostile corners of the globe from Iraq to Russia's Yamal peninsula reserves?

The energy world still appears desperate to develop major gas developments like never before – the biggest being the massive Gorgon fields in Australia, where the energy giants have already signed multi-billion dollar contracts to supply China and India for decades to come. Frank Chapman, the chief executive of BG Group, even claims we will need "a Gorgon a year for the next 10 years" to meet ballooning global needs. Meanwhile, ExxonMobil, looking ahead, predicts that demand for gas in the West alone will grow by 2pc a year, or 30pc by 2030.

Part of the optimism is likely to be political: although countries are desperate to reduce emissions from fossil fuels, gas releases only half the carbon dioxide of coal when burned and is a much cheaper option than developing renewables. As the world also eventually weans itself off petrol and other oil-based products for transportation, electricity demand is set to double or triple.

One day in decades to come, cars and other modes of transport may all either be powered directly by natural gas or electricity generated by gas-powered and renewable power stations. Seizing on this opportunity, Tony Hayward, chief executive of BP, has recently been taking every chance to trumpet the potential of gas as the primary fuel of the medium-term future.

Some even believe the revolution in unconventional gas supplies will be unable to keep pace with this impending thirst for the commodity. Ofgem, the energy regulator, has taken forecast "tight" gas production into its estimates, but remains deeply concerned about the availability of gas in Europe over the next decade.

With all these shifting factors, one thing is for certain. Gas isn't behaving like ever before. And its future as a commodity is entirely interwoven with political decisions – highly unpredictable ones – about its reliability as a replacement for coal and oil.

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