Sunday 15 November 2009

Stock Price Influences

Stock Price Influences
Stock prices are vulnerable to many market changes. However, there are three major influences that have an effect on the ups and downs of the prices. You should become familiar with these influences in order to be able to identify whether the change in the price gives you a signal to sell, buy or do nothing with a particular stock.

Business Fundamentals Change
The first influence is a change in the economic conditions in the market. If a particular company experiences a steady increase in its revenue and profits, then it represents an attractive investment to investors. As a result, you can expect that the price of the stock will increase as investors bid for its purchase.

The opposite is true if the particular company experiences a flat trend of its revenue and profits or even there is a decline it them. As a result, investors will show no interest in the stock and the price of the latter will fall.

If a company incurs debt or executes an acquisition its price will be again influenced. However, the effect of these will not be felt immediately.

The important thing to remember is that a change in the business leads to a change in the price of its stock. So, you should learn to notice the underlying business changes before they are reflected in the price of the stock.

Sector Change
Every company is part of a particular sector. Some sectors are influenced by different cycles, which in turn are reflected in the price. Therefore, being a smart investor requires you to be able to spot the cyclical changes that may influence the price of the stock.

The bad news is that if the whole sector experiences a major change, all companies are influenced no matter of their business fundamentals.

This means that no matter how well your stock may perform, if the whole sector sinks your stock will sink too. On the other hand, if you hold a badly performing stock, but the prices of the stocks are artificially inflated, the price of your stock will also increase.

Market Cycle Change
Generally, the market experiences different cycles. It goes up and down or stays flat.

As a result your stock will be influenced by these movements. It may move in accordance with the market or go against it. The latter is especially true about smaller companies, which often times don't follow the market trends. However, large-cap stocks generally move in accordance with the market up to a certain point and then get their own direction.

Stock Influences Application
By studying the changes in the business fundamentals you may get an idea on whether to purchase stocks of a growing company or sell such if the company is getting in a worse position.

Sector changes are most of the time a temporary events. Nevertheless, a major change may require you to reexamine the viability of your stocks. The time may have come to say goodbye to your stocks. You should make a careful analysis on the ability of the company to adapt to the changes that have occurred.

Changes in the market cycles may be beneficial to investors, because they may provide you with the opportunity to add new stocks to your holdings. Additionally, if the price is high enough being pushed by the market cycle, it may be time to sell it and use the proceeds to purchase additional stocks when the price is down again.

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