Sunday 15 November 2009

Types of Stock Market Losses

Types of losses
Capital loss
Lost opportunity
Missed profit loss

Tips for Preventing and Dealing with Losses
 Evaluate the worthiness of a certain investment by measuring it against a US Treasury Note, which provides risk-free investment with relatively small returns. This will help you determine how much more the particular stock will bring you and whether the risk of sustaining losses is worth it.
In order to avoid missed profit losses don't be too greedy and apply common sense when you see the price of your stock rising. Otherwise, you risk missing the high level and you will have to put up with a lower less beneficial one at best.
Never console yourself that the losses you have sustained are just on paper and are not realized until you sell the stock. If you are convinced that the losing stocks still represent good long-term investment potentials, you should consider holding them disregarding the current lack of good performance. Otherwise, the paper losses will be turned into lost opportunity for each day you keep your stocks.

There is no person who likes losing money. However, you should accept the idea of losing some money from time to time. Additionally, whenever you notice that your stocks are losing their positions and their long-term prospects are not good, it may be better to sell them and move on to a better deal.

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