Thursday 12 November 2009

Using PEG ratio: Not all growth is created equal.

As the risk increases, the PEG ratio of a firm decreases. When comparing the PEG ratios of firms with different risk levels, even within the same sector, the riskier firms should have lower PEG ratios than safer firms.

Not all growth is created equal. A firm that is able to grow at 20% a year, while paying out 50% of its earnings to stockholders, has higher quality growth than another firm with the same growth rate that reinvests all of its earnings back. Thus, the PEG ratio should increase as the payout ratio increases, for any given growth rate.

As with the PE ratio, the PEG ratio is used to compare the valuations of firms that are in the same business.  The PEG ratio is a function of:
  • the risk,
  • growth potential and
  • the payout ratio of a firm.

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