Saturday 5 December 2009

The Dangers of Unmanaged Growth: What Lessons Should You Learn?

What Lessons Should You Learn?

The Dangers of Unmanaged Growth.

Let's say you get a huge promotion and raise at work. You look at everything you own and think about upgrading your lifestyle. Should you get a bigger house, hire a personal trainer, or replace all your clothes in one Neiman Marcus shopping spree?
  • Before you adjust your lifestyle, you should think about how long the raise could last. Maybe you should wait a year or two and see if your higher income persists.
  • And even if your company does well, what happens to your job when the rest of the country cuts back on expenses?

Just as with Iceland, in a globalized world, no person, company or even country is a self-contained and independent entity. Therefore, Iceland's troubles showed that thinking ahead, even in the best of times, is an important survival strategy.

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