Monday 21 December 2009

Does Everyone Lose in a Crash?

Does Everyone Lose in a Crash?

It’s quite common to hear someone grumbling about how much money they lost on a stock, but did you ever stop to think where that money went?

Contrary to popular opinion, that money is far from lost. In fact, that money was won by a professional trader who profited from the stock’s decline! Sophisticated traders such as these are called the “smart money” because they profit regardless if the market is crashing or booming. The smart money wins most of the money lost by the “dumb money”, or the “average joe” amateur investor. By learning how to trade like the smart money, you can profit tremendously in any type of market. Let’s learn the differences between the two types of traders:

According to the National American Securities Administrators Association, more than 70% of traders will lose nearly all their money! This is solid proof that the majority of traders and investors are dumb money.

What is the Dumb Money Doing Wrong?

First and foremost, the dumb money act as a herd or mob. This group exhibits very little individual decision making. This is exemplified by how the herd follows the financial news so religiously. The financial news is a severe lagging indicator. This is because reporters only report after the fact. It is so silly that people actually think they will gain knowledge that will allow them to have “the edge” in the markets. This isn’t possible because millions of other competing investors are watching the same news! The news is notoriously bullish right before a bear market and bearish right before the market starts soaring.

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