Wednesday 16 December 2009

Excellent corporate governance essential to good results

Excellent corporate governance essential to good results, says Teh

Tags: Bursa Malaysia Bhd | Excellent corporate governance | Good business performance | NUBS | Overall Excellence Award | Public Bank Bhd | TanSri Dr Teh Hong Piow | Transparency Index Award

Written by Financial Daily
Monday, 14 December 2009 11:21

KUALA LUMPUR: Excellent corporate governance is essential to good business performance as well as in ensuring that the interests of investors and all other stakeholders are well taken care of, said Tan Sri Dr Teh Hong Piow, the founder and chairman of one of Malaysia’s most renowned banking groups.

Teh and his management team should know about the correlation between good corporate governance and strong financial results given that PUBLIC BANK BHD [] has had an unbroken profit track record for over 40 years. The banking group has won numerous awards locally and overseas for its exemplary corporate governance.

“The board, management and staff of Public Bank will remain steadfast and committed in ensuring the highest level of corporate governance at Public Bank so that the interests of investors and all other stakeholders are well taken care of,” he said in a statement last Friday.

He said this after the banking group on Thursday yet again grabbed the top awards for excellence in corporate governance.

Teh lauded the Minority Shareholder Watchdog Group (MSWG) for launching the Malaysian Corporate Governance (MCG) Index, a premier index for investors to gauge corporate governance levels of public-listed companies in Malaysia.

The MCG Index is an extension of MSWG’s corporate governance survey collaboration with Nottingham University Business School (NUBS) in 2004 – 2008.

Teh expressed pride that Public Bank had won the Overall Excellence Award and the Best AGM Conducted in 2009 Award under the MCG Index 2009, especially as Public Bank had been ranked No 1 for four consecutive years in the MSWG–NUBS corporate governance surveys conducted in 2004–2008.

He said the Overall Excellence Award was a testimony to Public Bank’s strong corporate culture inculcated in the staff with everyone delivering as a team. Apart from Public Bank, BURSA MALAYSIA BHD [] was jointly awarded the Overall Excellence Award. Bursa also won the Best Governance and Transparency Index Award.

This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, December 14, 2009.

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