Friday 11 December 2009

Geithner Warns of ‘Headwinds’ on Road to Recovery

Geithner Warns of ‘Headwinds’ on Road to Recovery

Published: December 10, 2009

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — The United States economy is struggling against “headwinds” that mean the government must retain the ability to respond to unexpected crises, even as it starts to wind down emergency programs, the Treasury secretary, Timothy F. Geithner, said on Thursday.

Geithner Statement to Oversight Panel Testifying before a Congressional panel that oversees the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, Mr. Geithner took credit for having averted a complete financial disaster but warned against becoming too optimistic about a rebound.

“The financial and economic recovery still faces significant headwinds,” he said, citing high unemployment and home foreclosure rates, tight credit and impaired securitization markets, especially for mortgage-backed securities.

Mr. Geithner laid out a strategy for winding down the bank bailout program but also defended his decision on Wednesday to extend it past a scheduled year-end expiration, until next Oct. 3, as a necessary guard against a sudden economic relapse.

“History suggests that exiting too soon from policies designed to contain a financial crisis can significantly prolong an economic downturn,” he said.

The relief money was approved by Congress last year as a $700 billion program to buy impaired assets from banks but was immediately converted into a fund for the Treasury Department to make capital injections into ailing banks.

Big banks now are eager to exit the program by repaying their bailout money, partly to free themselves from pay restrictions.

Bank of America sent Treasury a $45 billion check on Wednesday to do so. Citicorp also is talking to Treasury about a repayment.

Mr. Geithner said it was “a good thing for the country that banks are eager to get out” of the program but it has to be done with care. “We are not prepared to have this money come back in a way that would leave the system or these institutions without adequate capital to face their challenges ahead.”

Citigroup got $45 billion of relief money last year.

Mr. Geithner said the investments made in banks were returning more money sooner than thought and the next few weeks will bring ”substantial income” from more sales of warrants to buy stock in banks that are repaying bailout money.

He said he was extending the program, on a modified basis, through next October because he did not want a repeat of the situation in which the government potentially faces a crisis without having adequate tools on hand to deal with it.

The Congressional Oversight Panel on Wednesday released its assessment of the program, conceding that while it had helped stabilize the financial system it had not succeeded in bolstering lending.

In addition, the panel said, it failed to resolve the issue of too-big-to-fail financial institutions and created an implicit guarantee that the government would again bail them if necessary.

Mr. Geithner said not all relief investments would be returned.

“There is a significant likelihood that we will not be repaid for the full value of our investments in A.I.G., G.M. and Chrysler,” he said, though some $15 billion more might come back than originally projected

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