Saturday 19 December 2009

Give the Gift of Smart Investing

Received an email commercial in my post today.

Stocks have history running in their favor, averaging 11-12% a year, and they outperform just about every type of investment. The trade-off is that stocks come with greater risk. Average market returns are no comfort if you buy at the market peak and sell during the graveyard. Still investing in stocks is no longer as mysterious or as elite an activity as it used to be. Armed with the desire to learn, you can make stocks a powerful source of returns in your portfolio.

Financial success requires an understanding of the investment process and the various factors affecting stocks, bonds, & other financial securities. The Forbes Stock Market Course compiles the information you need to increase your wealth over time.

Since you are already a member of the Forbes family, we'd like to offer you a special deal. If you order the Forbes Stock Market Course today, you will get $50 off the regular price!


The course content includes all the standard topics essential for those interested in investing. These topics are also dealt with by most investing books.

It is unlikely that one can get enough information by attending a half day session to learn investing. At most you can only have a glimpse of this wide field. Interestingly, a recent course by a blogger widely advertised before the talk was deafly silent post-course! Just wondering.

Merry Xmas folks.

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