Monday 18 January 2010

Assess your options for growth in business

After you have completed a full assessment of your business in its current state and you feel confident that you have all departments and areas working efficiently and under control, it is time to look to the future.

  1. What is your vision for the future?
  2. Does your business plan offer a realistic guide as to your future direction?
  3. Do you just want to consolidate your current position or do you want to find ways to make the business grow?
Starting a business can involve lots of hard work, courageous decisions, and not a few risks, and it may seem a good idea to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the benefits of all your efforts.
  1. Can you afford to do nothing?
  2. While you do nothing, your competitors will be growing and taking your market share - this will seriously damage your business's future.
  3. To ensure that your business remains a success, it is time to identify your options for growth.

Growth options can be divided into two categories, internal and external.

1.  Internal growth or growth that can be achieved within your own business will involve
  • increasing market share or
  • diversification.
2.  External growth will involve joining forces with another business, either
  • by merging with or acquiring another company or
  • by forming a partnership or joint venture with another business.

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