Saturday 30 January 2010

Equities - high risk

An investment in equities (shares or stocks) means that you have obtained part-ownership in the company whose shares you have bought.  Some companies are listed on a stock exchange, which means that your shares can be traded freely on that stock exchange.

Although equities are a high-risk asset class, they have the best chance of beating inflation over the longer term because of the inherent growth potential of the company in whch you have invested.

For that reason you should keep a SIGNIFICANT  portion of your portfolio in equities.  The basic rule is:  the longer the time until you retire, the more you should invest in equities.

How do I know how much of my portfolio should be in equities?
  • Try this general rule of thumb:  multiply the number of years until you retire by two to get to the percentage of your assets that you should keep in equities. 
  • For instance, you are 45 years old and have 20 years before retirement.  That means that you should invest 40% of your assets in equity.

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