Friday 29 January 2010

A few sobering statistics. Only 6 out of 100 people achieve financial independence

It is estimated that out of every 100 people aged 25 today, in 40 years' time:
  • only 6 will be financially independent
  • 34 people will have passed away
  • 10 will be drawing a government pension,
  • 20 will still be working, and,
  • 30 will be dependent on relatives.

How many people of 60 and older do you know who are dependent on their family or still have to work?  Scary, isn't it?

Many people do not realise that, despite their strong work ethic, their hard work alone is not enough to help them on their way to accumulating wealth and becoming financially independent.

To gain financial independence, your money must work for you.  You need to be smart about money, and you need to know your money's enemies and friends.

The story of Rockefeller

As a teenager, John D. Rockefeller, one of the richest men in America in the 19th century, earned $1 hoeing potatoes for a neighbour for 30 hours.  A week later, he collected interest of $3.50 on a loan he had made to another farmer a year earlier.  Rockefeller learned early on that you do not necessarily need to work harder, but that you do need to work smart.

If you share Rockefeller's determination and want to end up being one of the 6 out of 100 people without financial worries when you retire, you should learn to invest early.

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