Thursday 7 January 2010

Focus on the companies with Economic Moats

Economic moats are long-term competitive advantages that allow companies to earn oversized profits over time.  These are the companies you should focus your attention on.

There are 4 main types of economic moats:
  • Low-cost producer or Economies of Scale
  • High switching costs
  • Network effect
  • Intangible assets

The more types of economic moats a company has, the better.

The longer a firm can sustain its competitive advantage, the wider its economic moat.

The Bottom Line
  • While having these four types of of moats, or competitive advantages, as guidelines is helpful, there is still a lot of art to determining whether a firm has a moat. 
  • At the heart of it, the harder it is for a firm's advantage to be imitated, the more likely it is to have a barrier to entry in its industry and a defensible source of profit.

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