Wednesday 20 January 2010

Relying on a single metric misses out on the bigger picture

Too few metrics

If you focus only on a single aspect of a given company, such as its price-to-earnings ratio, you could miss out on the bigger picture. Check out the different ratings our CAPS community has assigned to stocks with similarly low P/Es:

CAPS Stars (out of five)

Noble (NYSE: NE)

Merck (NYSE: MRK)


Qwest Communications (NYSE: Q)


Data: Motley Fool CAPS.


A closer look at these companies' other metrics would likely reveal
  • varying debt and cash levels,
  • growth rates,
  • profit margins, and
  • competitive advantages.
It can be useful to seek out low-P/E stocks, since they may have been overly punished and due to rebound. But a low P/E can't and shouldn't be your sole criteria for making an investment.


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