Monday 18 January 2010

Start-up Budget Objectives

For start-ups, it may be useful to try to answer the following set of questions to help you make some reaonable assumptions about your business and its early days of operating and trading:

  1. How many products/services do you expect to sell in the first year?
  2. Can you predict a rate of sales growth for the next three years?
  3. How will you price your products/services?
  4. What will be the cost of producing your product/service?
  5. What will your operating expenses be?
  6. How many employees do you intend to hire and how much will you pay them?
  7. Have you established whether your business will be a proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporatin?  The tax consequences of each form will vary considerably.
  8. Will you be leasing/renting/buying an office?  What will the costs be?
  9. How much finance will you need to raise?  What is the interest rate on funds that you are borrowing?
  10. Will you sell on credit?  Have you established what payment terms you will get from suppliers and what you will offer customers?

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