Monday 18 January 2010

Successful Mergers and Acquisitions

  1. Do a company "health check."  Examine every possible facet of the business.
  2. Discover if there any areas for improvement and prune out any waste.
  3. Complete an up-to-date SWOT analysis.
  4. Ensure that your strengths and opportunities support an external growth strategy.
  5. Weigh up the likely contenders for a merger/acquisition.
  6. Decide which strategy will be best for the company, bearing in mind that an acquisition can be a costly and sometimes bitter affair.
  7. Try to prevnet plans for either form of growth being made public too soon; this could build resistance.
  8. Decide on the future direction of the enlarged organisation and management strategies before any move is made.
  9. On acquiring another company, there may be parts that do not fit into future plans; have a policy for disposal.
  10. Decide in advance the financial limits.

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