Sunday 10 January 2010

Talk about laying your reputation on the line!

Nouriel Roubini's Worst Call Ever

This article has a good discussion on investing in gold. There are people arguing for and others arguing against.  Investing opinions are always so interesting.  Depending on your frame of thinking, you are either a bull or a bear.  It is difficult to predict the market.  Economists have a tough job to make the call.  It is a tougher job to expect them to be right all the time!

Here is a comment by a reader:

"Gold is an obsession. It can never be 'fairly' valued as demand cannot be measured in terms of physical need. The demand for gold has much more to do with the level of fear investors are feeling than with any concievable fundamentals.

I can look a company's balance sheet, listen to its conference calls, chat with fellow Fools and decide on the basis of facts whether its current stock price is fair or not.

Compare that to trying to project inflation, US government policy changes, and the reserve needs of opaque central banks in Asia. All of those things will affect the future price of gold.

Those of us who bought healthy companies in the spring of 2009 at bargain prices are already reaping the gains. Buying gold now is betting on the future $2k price which in turn is betting on future economic conditions and future investor sentiment. That's a lot of "ifs"."

Enjoy the rest of the article.

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