Sunday 7 February 2010

Change is a constant in living. To not change is not to live at all.

A good government gives support to all its people.

A good government facilitates the progress of all its people.

In Malaysia, the government gives little support to the significant minorities and other selected groups.

In fact the government hinders their progress.

The present policies limit their quest for better living and their contributions for a better society - socially, economically and politically.

Unless there is a significant change in the thinking and policies of the present elected government, continuing with the old thinking and policies is a recipe for disaster in the future for nation building. 

Hopefully, changes will come and come quickly too.

You can either hope for a change in policies or a change in people ruling.

By the way, many are unclear what 1Malaysia is all about, especially regarding its objectives..


From the Star Newspaper

Documents 1 to 10 of 74 matching the query "the brain drain"

The Malay dilemma
[BUSINESS 6-Feb-2010]
Malaysian Institute of Economic Research distinguished fellow Professor Datuk Dr Mohamed Ariff shares his thought on the issue of brain drain and the Malay dilemma.

Stemming the tide and keeping our talent
[BUSINESS 6-Feb-2010]
Every now and then, we hear of friends and relatives leaving for greener pastures abroad. While we are happy that they are moving on, their leaving also leaves a lump in our throats. Last month, the issue of our people leaving was brought up again when about 300,000 left, double that of the previous year. Do we, as a n

Our loss is another country’s gain
[BUSINESS 6-Feb-2010]
OVER the last decade, the Malaysian Government has been actively pursuing high-skilled professionals, such as researchers, scientists, doctors, engineers and information-technology experts, to work in the country.

Doctor forced to transfer once again
[FOCUS 5-Feb-2010]
From PATIENT, Kuala Lumpur.

Is there a lesson for M'sia from what happened in US last month?

[BUSINESS 1-Feb-2010]
At home, a divided Malaysia on racial and religious grounds is like a divided America on ideological grounds. Inspirational leadership will be required to bring together the various factions under an inclusive and liberal 1Malaysia concept that is not threatened by just a single word.

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