Saturday 6 February 2010

Paying the price of a new Mercedes to buy a Proton! Beware of manipulators in the market place

Overpriced: When you are buying a Proton for the price of a new Mercedes.

Undervalued: When you are buying a new Mercedes for the price of a Proton.

Most of the time (80%), the prices of stocks in the stock market are fairly priced.

On some occasions (80%), they are mispriced, either too high or too low relative to their intrinsic value.

If you can distinguish value and price,
  • you can hope to gain a lot in the stock market, usually during the bear period, by buying a new Mercedes for the price of a Proton.  ;-)
If you are unable to distinguish value and price,
  • you can conversely end up crying with a big hole in your bank account when you pay in the stock market, usually during the bull period, the price of a new Mercedes for a Proton.  :-(


Fountain View's Share Manipulators Caught And Fined!

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