Tuesday 9 March 2010

FBM KLCI was at a two-year high of 1324.22 on 8.3.2010.

On 8.3.2010:

FBM KLCI was at a two-year high of 1324.22. It rose 1.9% that day. (Since March 10th 2009, it had risen 469 points (55%) from the FBM KLCI's low of 855.24.)

The FBM SmallCap Index, which tracks the performance of 98% of listed stocks outside the top 100 companies, advanced at 1.16%.

The broader FBM Emas Index climbed 1.7%.

Therefore, while the top counters saw heavy buying interest on 8.3.2010, the smaller-sized firms trailed behind.

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