Saturday 13 March 2010

"Low Sweat Investing": This investor has a clearly defined investing strategy.

Low Sweat Investing picture

Investing is never ‘no sweat’ but how about some 'low sweat' investing? That’s what I call my personal investing approach, which I think can work well for people living on their portfolios (or planning to).

My approach is simple: a diversified portfolio of stocks with dividends that rise to offset inflation, high quality fixed income investments, as well as a few higher yielding diversifiers like REITs and other alternative asset classes. I've been investing this way since the bear market of 2000-2002 and it has served me well in good markets and bad.

I’m an everyday investor living in a California beach town. Before deciding to support myself solely through investing (which is making money) and writing (which is making no money) I worked for a large advertising agency.

I’ve researched and written a number of articles and other posts on Seeking Alpha, mostly about dividend stocks, but also on ETFs, the stock market and the economy. I also reviewed a couple of offbeat books for financial adventure lovers.

The articles (and many of the Instablog posts) include references and links to the important numbers, news, studies, analysts' views, and strategists' outlooks I uncovered in researching the stories. That way, readers who want to know more can check it all out, or just dig deeper into an item or two that interests them most.

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