Sunday 14 March 2010

Stock Market Tip and Investing Advice

Stock Market Tip and Investing Advice

Posted on March 14 2010

Stock market investing advice
Beginner stock market investing advice is far popular already in the internet. The individual investor will find it hard to make money in stocks. Almost  many individuals are ready to invest in stocks right now. Yet to make lots of money means you need to study and studying takes motivation, which is very hard if all you want to do is impatiently throw your money into stocks.
If you hate to study then here are some stock investing tips.
Throw out the rulebook as there are no set rules for investing and there are no guarantees of success.
The best analysts are those who make informed decisions because they have detailed reasons for buying a stock and for selling.
Determine how much risk you could take  as this depends on your goals, so have your goals formulated first.
Price is not often times the same as value and check a companies’ net worth, which is profit AFTER taxes.
Stock market tip
You have worked so hard and saved a lot of money. This time you want those savings to work for you and earn you even more money. The stock market is one of the easiest and best ways to do it, provided of course you know what you are doing.
Listed below are ten stock market tips for beginners that if followed will lead you to success.
1) Make sure to determine your goal. Once you know to define your goal, then you can create a trading strategy for achieving that goal.
2) Mutual funds are not for everyone. As advised, take the time to learn how to pick good stocks so you can easily make double even triple-digit gains rather easily.
3) No single stock trading strategy will work in all markets. You must have a store of at least three trading strategies.
4) If possible, avoid short selling. Short selling is not a good advice as it is a strategy used to create wealth when stocks are falling. It is extremely risky and your broker is in control.

5) Find a low cost broker and do your own investing. Those full service brokers charge hundreds of dollars to place one single trade. Online discount broker can do the same thing for $5 or even less.
6) Practice paper trading your stocks and strategies. “Paper Trading” simply means that you find the stocks to invest in and pretend you are buying them
7) Have an exit strategy. The stock market can be tough for beginners. Try to make a plan before buying and stick with it.
8) Go over your trades yearly. Try to figure out why the losers lost and you should learn from it so you don’t make the same mistakes next year.
9) Try to at least master technical analysis. It is good to be able to predict the direction of any stock or index with fairly accurate results.
10) Learn how to pick winning stocks. Use a stock picking service if possible. You can find these all over the Internet.
Stock investing tip
In general, when investing in a stock it is easy to become distracted and lose focus. Maybe your stock picks have been going down recently and you are afraid of losing any more money. Maybe you have found another stock that you are interested in buying, but you need to sell your other stock first. Maybe you don’t like the ups and downs associated with investing in an individual stock.
Stock invesment software
There are various stock investment software options on the market today. By investing in the good stock picks which they generate, you can make a great deal of your money in short-term. I would like to recommend going for penny stock specific stock investment software. Some programs only target those cheap stocks because of the high profit potential associated with them. Because of these stocks have cheaper prices, penny stocks are a great deal more potentially profitable overall.
Good stock pick
So many investors and stock beginners today want to know how to find good stock picks for their portfolio. They are always finding for that next hot stick tip that they can make a killing off in the next 30 days of investing. The most common problem with most investors is that they take on a very short term outlook. This is the same of a number of business owners. In both business and stock investing, it’s only a small minority who ever make a significant amount of money. Why is this?
Instead of being committed to a strategy and sticking to it long term, the vast majority become so focused on finding that ‘get rich quick’ scheme they will jump from one stock to the next, and ultimately make very little money at all.

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